Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 1

And so it begins....

So far for today my calorie intake has been under control. I just need to get to exercising. I'm planning on first doing a half hour of circuit training, ten later a half hour of strength followed by a half hour of cardio, then later, a half hour of pilates as a cool down. Then I will have completed my 2 hours a day plan.

I love exercising, I really dont know why everyone complains about it, my only trouble with it is finding the time. Now though, that I'm out of school i can finally workout my hardest!

Btw, I log my calorie intake and exercises using MyFitnessPal, its online and completly free. I really like how user friendly the website is, very simple with quick links and a huge food and exercise database.

I have finished all my exercises for today, I felt amazing after my workouts. I did Pilates for the firstime ever today and I have to say its my favorite thing! I love how relaxing it is, but its quite the workout. As long as you breath and exhale, you'll stay ralaxed but always engaged in your powerhouse the whole time.

According to an online calorie burn calculator I burned 830 calories !!

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